About Moneybunnies

Our mission is to teach children about finance.

Meet Author/Illustrator Cinders McLeod

Cinders McLeod is the creator of the book and comic strip Broomie Law. Her illustrations have appeared in The Guardian, The Express, The Observer, The Independent, Herald Scotland, The Scotsman, The Globe and Mail and Maclean’s, and on CBC television. Her work has been recognized by the Society for News Design, The National Newspaper Awards, the National Magazine Awards and The Guinness Book of Records. Cinders is also a recorded singer-songwriter-double bassist, a Gaelic language student, and a mother of two. She lives in Toronto, Canada. 

Message from the author

When I was a child… I struggled with my self-value by comparing my family’s financial situation to my friends’. Fast forward to the 2007-8 financial crisis, and I noticed an influx of articles about the importance of teaching kids about money. That got me thinking back about my childhood misconceptions. I researched and discovered there were no books on basic financial literacy for kids. So I left my world of newspapers and focused on creating a series of children’s books to help children navigate the world of money, books I wish I had when I was a child.

I wanted the Moneybunny books to focus on the idea of money. That’s why I used the international currency of carrots. I wanted to get away from nickel-and-diming and focus on the big concepts with a currency that could cross borders. And I wanted to put these basic financial principles in place at a young age.

If kids don’t grasp these ideas when they’re young, they’ll soon flounder like astronauts cut loose in cyberspace. Because here’s the bad news: Our children live in a tougher world with homes priced out of hand and jobs sought with little hope, and accounting made more complicated with digital additions. But here’s the good news: Some lessons come in humorous and colourful picture books – because we really don’t want to terrify our little bunnies. And these lessons can be gently planted, blossoming later into a greater awareness that will help guide them for the rest of their lives.

The goal is not wealth. The goal is growth and happiness.

Giving your children a head start on finances!

The dedication in each book reveals that books’ teachings.

  • Pride and Independence

    In EARN IT! Bun wants to be RICH & FAMOUS but learns that takes work.

  • Choice and Wisdom

    In SPEND IT! Sonny wants to BUY EVERYTHING but learns to make choices.

  • Goals, Planning and Patience

    In SAVE IT! Honey wants HER OWN PLACE but learns that takes patience.

  • Love and Gratitude

    In GIVE IT! Chummy wants to SAVE THE WORLD but learns heroes don’t need costumes.